Loop: Hard to Breathe

Interview: Drew Stier


Album: Bike [EP]
Release Date: 2020

Since you’ve left no trace on the internet whatsoever, will you please introduce yourself a little?

Hey, my name’s Drew and I make music cause I like it. I moved to NYC to study at Tisch in 2018 and I’ve been here ever since, gradually building out a tiny studio little corner of my Brooklyn apt where I make my music. I’ve been tryna avoid the subway, so I started using my roommate’s bicycle to get around the city, and kinda got obsessed with the idea of shutting all cars out of the city and reimagining the whole thing as a place where pedestrians have the power, not 2-ton metal death machines so I made a record about it. When I’m riding around, I like to listen to Vampire Weekend, and Mitski, and think about popping tires, and about whatever Haruki Murakami book I’m currently reading.

You might not want to answer this but I seriously believe that Hard to Breathe is one of the most underrated songs of this winter. Would you agree with me?

Hahahaha, thank you! Someone in my Youtube comment section said listening to it felt like eating soap which I really liked. It’s kinda hard to assess your own music but my friends like it a bit and that’s all that really matters to me right now.

Regarding the first two questions, are you planning to have more presence on the internet?

Yes! I’ve been forming a collective with my friends called I Can Put Whatever I Want Here Huh (Whatever I Want or WIW for short). We really want a place where we can put out stuff where we can be ourselves and dork out about music and liminal spaces and stuff. There’s an Instagram right now, and soon they’ll be a podcast and a collective album to follow. I’d definitely recommend everyone to check all the projects of everyone in the collective: Calvin Kingston, Calvy, (printer friendly), Sansha Blue, and Pants Darwish.

Our loop song from your Bike EP will be Hard to Breathe. My only problem with that track is that it’s too short! Will you tell us about the song in detail? How did it come together, where did you shoot the video?

Our neighbors would listen to reggae music constantly on their stoop during the summer, so I think that kinda bass-driven music worked a bit of itself into the stuff I was making. The rest of the song was just tryna build around that element with as few pieces as possible to finish the puzzle. A lot of people seem to think I have a band or am a band, but I really just record all sounds (guitar, bass, voice, etc) onto my laptop then try to screw them up so much they don’t sound real anymore. The music video was shot by my roommate griff around my neighborhood of Crown Heights in Brooklyn. We shot it all on his iPhone on the roof and across the street near our neighbor’s chickens.

Are you working on new songs, what are you up to these days?

I just got back to NYC a few weeks ago, and since then I’ve mostly been focused on working on my debut album and building out our collective stuff. We’re trying to do a Sunday live stream once a week but it’s been pretty difficult to practice between the upstairs neighbors stomping on the floor to shut us up and the sound of their obese cat doing acrobatics off their furniture. Besides that, we’ve been working on a WIW collective album and putting together the podcast. I also got a fun synth that makes good bleep boops that’ll be all over the next record.

What are some songs you listen to on loop mode?

Lyrics: Hard to Breathe

I feel the light beyond
but you couldn’t see it
I called you on the phone
to set your mind at ease
but I feel like
You’re making it hard to breathe
you’re making it hard to help you
if all this was my fault
I’d try to fix it all
I’m always helping, passing out
solving problems, running around
we’re shining and we can’t fall down
but somehow lose it all
we’ve lost our sense of time
it wasn’t much anyhow

You’re making it hard to breathe
You’re making it hard to breathe
You’re making it hard to breathe
you’re making it hard to help you

Tracklist: Bike EP

1. “Hard to Breathe”
2. “Less Now”
3. “Biking”
4. “Philadelphia”

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