Loop: To Be

Interview: Foxwarren


Album: Foxwarren
Release Date: 2018

Growing up in scattered small towns across the Canadian prairies, Andy Shauf, Dallas Bryson, and brothers Darryl Kissick and Avery Kissick eventually found themselves under one roof in Regina, Saskatchewan, where they completed work on what became this album: Foxwarren.

This group of siblings and childhood friends originally formed more than a decade ago. Growing up in scattered small towns across the Canadian prairies, Andy Shauf, Dallas Bryson, and brothers Darryl Kissick and Avery Kissick eventually found themselves under one roof in Regina, Saskatchewan, where they completed work on what became this album: Foxwarren.

From the band’s Bandcamp page.

Darryl Kissick // We had a much more complicated arrangement of “To Be” that we struggled with for quite a while.  When it came time to record, we really simplified the song and it finally worked.  When it came to the video, we gave the producers Ft. Langley freedom to do what they wanted. We were all really happy with the results.

Avery Kissick //  Yeah, we had a rockier version of “To Be” for quite a while. When we went to the farm to record, we jammed it in that more relaxed setting with a nice old piano, and it helped lend a more organic, folky vibe. We really simplified the song and it finally worked.

Dallas Bryson // “To Be” was also the first song where we experimented with the lyrical side of writing as a group – the first time that we really sat down together and passed lyric ideas back and forth. This approach made sense for this song. When it finally clicked it came together rather quickly, and I think we wanted to see the finished product right away. Since then we’ve made more of an effort to write lyrics as a group.

Lyrics: To Be

Kick it around
Find another dim town
To get a head full of ideas
Give it time
Leave the water, find the wine
Give me a hand on the wheel

To be alone
To be alone
To be alone

Smooth talker
Sells another good line
With a mouth full of steam
Takes his time
Never looks you in the eyes
He’s got a head full of ideas

To be alone
To be alone
To be alone
To be alone
To be alone
To be alone
To be alone

Tracklist: Foxwarren

1. “To Be”
2. “Lost In A Dream”
3. “Everything Apart”
4. “In Another Life”
5. “I’ll Be Alright”
6. “Lost On You“
7. “Your Small Town“
8. “Sunset Canyon“
9. “Fall Into A Dream”
10. “Give It A Chance”

Official music video directed by Ft. Langley

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Photo: Andrea van den Boogaard
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